
To play possesss an elaborative character, that produces and results in transformations. The tricks and the toys, function, as mediating of the relation of the man with the world, modify the perception and the understanding that of it if has, consisting in genuine tools to learn to live, to also live in society, since to also play a social activity that has special characteristic to direct allow the reconstruction of the social relations without utilitarian end, while it teaches to live in a culturally symbolic world. Richness (2007) in its text ' ' To play Viver and Aprender' ' , it approaches some questionings on the importance of playing in the hospital. According to author, to play is a real activity for that he plays, is through the trick that if frees a trauma, that is, to play is a language, a form to express the feelings and to free behaviors. To play possesss an elaborative character, that produces it results in transformations. The tricks and the toys, function as mediating of the relation of the man with the world, modify the perception and the understanding that of it if has, consisting in genuine tools to learn to live, to also live in society, since to also play a social activity that has characteristic special s to direct allow the reconstruction of the social relations without utilitarian end, while it teaches to live in a culturally symbolic world. A hospitalization for the child means the separation of the family of the toys, the school, the professors, of the colleagues, limitation, diffidence and to have that to trust who it is not known. Such limitations provoke a subjective clutter that unchain riots of behaviors, phobias, psicomotora agitation, susceptibility to the infections, anorexy, vomits, sleeplessness, depression and regressions, that are diagnosised and treated erroneamente as organic problems. To to play the child shows what it feels, liberates tensions provoked for the internment and favors the adhesion to the treatment.

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