Harvesting Ideas Planting Action

Appeared Edna of Oliveira Sonia M.C.Bakonyi SUMMARY the present article describes the practical part of an educational project, initiative of a situated judiciary unit in a city where the selective collection not yet was installed for a composed group of servers for adults who in its majority had not passed for educative process of this son-in-law if not in infancy. Approaching the ambient question with regard to the use of deriving materials of natural resources, specifically the paper. The one of the objectives of the judicial district when receiving project, called Harvesting Ideas Planting Action, was to give science to the servers on the consumption of the paper and to alert them how much to wastefulness, searching individualizadas and group sustainable actions. It occurs in a city where the selective collection not yet was installed for a composed group for adults, who in its majority had not passed for educative process of this son-in-law if not in infancy. Analyzed the results of the initiative it is observed that the servers had answered in favorable way, however has a vast work to be made to reach the objectives in full way. Word-key: Harvesting Ideas Planting Action, Ambient Education, Paper.

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