Tag Archives: administration and businesses

Introduction Blogueiros Amateur

I believe that if you are reading this article probably you are interested in creating one blog and to become a blogueiro is amateur or professional. First we go to make a small reflection on the amateur blogueiro term and blogueiro professional. Our mind is as a parachute, only functions well when it is opened, […]


To make the evil always seems to be more easy and cmodo, already the good needs effort and certainty. All know that to opt to the evil and to the good in the diverse situations of the life it does not finish, of a form or another one, reaching the next one. A value embezzled […]


Part of the supply can have deteriorated, becoming obsolete or perdida' ' (ROSS; WESTERFIELD; JORDAN, 2010, p.82) Beyond the possibilities of the supply to lose value in the market, to ruin, to become obsolete, it is an asset inside of the company who stops being transformed into money in a short period of time, is […]

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